Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Travelin' Man

Once again, time is flying!  I only have 2 weeks of maternity leave left.  I can't believe how quickly how quickly the summer has come and gone.

Mason is 10 weeks old and growing like a weed.  We had his 2 month check up last week.  He's already 11 pounds 11 oz (50th percentile) and 23 1/2 inches (75th percentile.)  He got his first 5 shots, which were probably harder on Mommy and Daddy than they were on him.  He did get a little bit feverish that evening, but seemed to be himself the next day.  He's sleeping better, both day and night.  Thank God!!   He's also tolerating the bouncy and swing, which he didn't for the first several weeks of his life.  As promised by so many, it's getting easier.

My child has become quite the Travelin' Man.  Ryan pointed out that Mason has probably already been more places in 10 weeks than Ryan did in first 23 years.  Colorado was the big trip, as it involved plane travel, but now he can add road tripper to his repertoire.  I decided to take advantage of my maternity leave freedom and hopped in the car to visit my parents in Atlanta.  Mollie joined me for drive up and we enjoyed a few days with Grammy and Arpy.  Aunt Ann drove down from Nashville to visit!  Mason also got to meet cousin Kris who lives in Atlanta.  My trip was extended due to Hurricane Isaac, so we ended up spending 8 days without Daddy.  I think that Daddy started missing us around day 4. :)
Atlanta's Natural History Museum

With Grammy and Aunt Mollie
Lunch with Kris

For Labor Day weekend, we were lucky enough to once again hop in the car and head south to Ryan's parents' condo in West Palm Beach.  Little Man experienced the beach for the first time.  The two of us sat shaded under an umbrella the whole time, but enjoyed every second of it.  I was even able to escape for a massage while Ryan watched the baby!  Yay!!  It was a fun, relaxing weekend.
Lookin' good, Beach Baby!

Watching college football
Next trip is only a few days away when we meet the entire Karns clan at Dale Hollow Lake (Ky/Tn border) for an awesome Houseboat family vacation!  Cannot wait!