Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Determined to make this happen

I keep telling myself that I'm going to make this work.  A very close friend of mine, who is also expecting, is my inspiration.  I love reading her blog, although it simply reminds me that I haven't even sent out an email asking anyone to read mine yet. :)

So, here we go again.  I'm 16 weeks and 3 days today.  My belly is continuing to rapidly expand.  Pants no longer zip up.  I'm surviving thus far using the Bella Band that my mom got me for Christmas.  It's essentially Spanx that fit over pants...very sexy.  The baby is now the size of an avocado, and I'm getting serious uterus growing pains -- also known as round ligament pain (I've recently found out.)

I haven't had any crazy cravings lately, although when something sounds good, I tend to obsess about it until I get it.  Having said that, I'm constantly starving.  Literally every 3 hours, I'm ravenous.  I'm definitely more emotional than usual, crying at anything even remotely sentimental.  I had my first hormonal emotional breakdown the other day because Ryan told me he didn't think our (yet to be planned) Babymoon would happen.  Side note -- it will.  :)

We have another doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon, and in just a few short weeks we'll find out (confirm) the sex of the baby.

Here is a belly pic progression:

Week 4 (2 days after we found out)

Week 12 (for some reason I show less on my left side)

Week 14

Week 16

1 comment:

  1. you're gonna be ALL belly! you look adorable. :)


    Kris S.
