Wednesday, January 18, 2012

First Flutter

Why is it that dreams are so much more bizarre while you're pregnant??  Turns out all of the pregnancy "cliches" are true.  Who knew?

Last night I was in the midst of one of my usual crazy dreams, when all of sudden the dream changed to me beginning contractions in a parking lot.  In the dream, I was very aware that it's way too early to have contractions, and somewhere in my subconscious I knew that I was feeling something new and foreign in my belly.  I woke up almost immediately to feel the first flutter -- a perfect little *tap tap tap* on my left side.  This, of course, happened at 4:30 in the morning, and I was so excited that I spent the next hour and half hoping it would happen again.  It didn't.

We had a doctor's appointment last Wednesday and she asked me if I'd felt anything yet.  When I told her I didn't think so, but I wasn't really sure what I was expecting to feel, she told me "I'd know."  Turns out, she's right.  It was awesome, I just wish that I'd been more awake.

The big ultrasound is 2 weeks from today!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for the 1st! I was going to ask you about that today.
